Dear Pun Gents, We’re looking for a clever name for our women’s tennis team. We’re a city, public court team that plays out of Golden Gate Park in San Francisco. ~Nina, San Francisco (long-time fan) AS THE PUN GENTS SEE IT: Feelin Frisci John Cougar Tennis Camp Servivors We’re HardCourt Clay Lady, Clay Clayla Female … Read more


Dear Pun Gents, we are having a tennis charity event on Valentine's day. Need a slogan re the old saying "to tennis players love means nothing" – to show that's not true. ~Laura, Charlotte, NC AS THE PUN GENTS SEE IT Whack your balls on Valentine's Day Get to first baseline. You'll hear lots of … Read more


Dear Pungents, our friend Steve is moving from Nashville to Fort Myers, Florida. He loves BBQ, coffee & bad puns, and is an inspector for homeland security. ~Alex, Nashville, TN AS THE PUN GENTS SEE IT:1) “Steve, everyone admyers you for moving out of town.”2) “You won’t ever see another tennis match, now that you’re … Read more

Andrew from Dugald:Many baseball catchers take a poetic view of the sport….and they HATE making errors. Better to have gloved and tossed, then to have never coughed up a ball. Andrew says, “Alfred Lord Tennisanyone?”

Food and Drink Puns

Remember: puns about food should be taken in gest. Why did the chef jump off a cliff? He thought he could fry. Do waiters who serve veggie soup like tips? Yes, they accept gratatouille-ties . Bridget Jones’ Dairy was a cheesy movie. Which fish could stand a shave? Hairing! What vegetables are served in a vivarium? Zoochini! The butcher’s dilemma: “I ran … Read more