Mouse-over the image for the answer to Emily's riddle!
About Emily
Drink her in! Emily is a colonial queen from St. Georges, Bermuda who loves puns because "they remind me of the ocean: salty and puntiful." Um... yeah.... Born in Montreal but raised in the Atlantic, Emily studied Psychology at Queen's before returning to the island to work as a developmental tester. She's addicted to the favourable Canadian exchange rate though, and has begun a Masters in Counselling Psychology through the University of Calgary. "I have dual citizenship," the 26-year-old explains, "but I don't necessarily 'play for both teams'." Yikes! On a side note, it was difficult thinking up a Bermuda pun for Emily: we would Tri every Angle, but in the end she took the best one and decided to rum with it - with asstounding results!
Emily's faves
turn-ons: "psychology puns ('Leggo my ego?'); boys who play instruments, but don't blow their own horn; guys who like kids, but don't act like a child; I also like it if you buy me really really expensive presents"
turn-offs: "wicker; mambo #5 (as well as mambos #1-4); the word 'tapioca'; also the word 'Machiavellian' - I don't know what it means though I use it quite regularly. That's weird. "
favourite drink: "Dark and Stormy"
favourite things to do: "knitting; scuba diving; shopping, particularly with the weak Canadian dollar; cooking"
hopes and dreams: "to be Punshine of the Year 2006. I'm very much into competitive pungentry. "
does she want to save the world? "hell no - I'd be happy just seeing the Dixie Chicks in concert."
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