How do you inspire a man who loves sheep?
“Ewe conduit!“
How do you inspire a man who loves sheep?
“Ewe conduit!“
Stop licking telephone poles – post taste!
The Scotsman went to Kiev. He heard it was easier to pick up a lover in the Ewekraine.
After three days in a tomb, you might get dehydrated. Hence the proclamation, ‘Behold the Lord, for He is a raisin!’
Does volunteer work give you a heart attack? Maybe you need an NGOplasty.
Sitting down with founders Patrick Tanzola and Rhain Louis of (Canada’s top pun website), we weren’t sure what to expect on that brightly punny day outside U of T’s Hart House. Nursing our coffees, we were suddenly caught off-guard when a massive hawk swept down beside us, grabbed a small mouse from the garden, and flew off – nearly causing us to hawk-up our lunch.
Patrick: “That was falcon crazy!”
Rhain: “I’m sure the mouse found it starling”
Fishing can be very ‘Web 2.0.’ Especially when it’s done in reel time.
Hear about that high-tech thriller, about a submarine crew that gets lost at sea due to extreme computer failure? It’s called DOS Boot. As the movie unfolds it’s clear that the vessel’s discipline was lax: not a mouse was stirring while some key bored personnel were in the washroom taking a FTP. The submarine was suddenly swamped by torrents of WAVs, and couldn’t make it to the dock. Windows were stupidly left open, resulting in an impossible Turing radius as they were overwhelmed by the C. It was a Unix situation, and as they twirled out into the ethernet the captain radioed the nearest B-52 Flying Fortran for help. “This hertz, Mac,” he cried. “It megahertz! I need a pier-to-pier transfer.” But due to BASIC errors and faulty navigation they could not find anchor, and crashed, leaving no possibility for a SQL.
Raft manufacturers are always floating convention.
There’s too much pickled cabbage in my fridge! A bit of an overkrauting problem.