Fishing can be very ‘Web 2.0.’ Especially when it’s done in reel time.
Hear about that high-tech thriller, about a submarine crew that gets lost at sea due to extreme computer failure? It’s called DOS Boot. As the movie unfolds it’s clear that the vessel’s discipline was lax: not a mouse was stirring while some key bored personnel were in the washroom taking a FTP. The submarine was suddenly swamped by torrents of WAVs, and couldn’t make it to the dock. Windows were stupidly left open, resulting in an impossible Turing radius as they were overwhelmed by the C. It was a Unix situation, and as they twirled out into the ethernet the captain radioed the nearest B-52 Flying Fortran for help. “This hertz, Mac,” he cried. “It megahertz! I need a pier-to-pier transfer.” But due to BASIC errors and faulty navigation they could not find anchor, and crashed, leaving no possibility for a SQL.
Raft manufacturers are always floating convention.
There’s too much pickled cabbage in my fridge! A bit of an overkrauting problem.
A nasty accident is causing a road detour at this weekend’s Pride Parade. So please, avert your gays.
As I was studying grammar, I realized that music star Dolly was no longer attractive. It must have been the Past Parton Supple.
What movie was based on the memoirs of a college cannibal? A: The Grad u ate.
Sinatra hated frankincense.
I thought you were lost in a fog. But I was mist taken.