Why aren’t totem poles portable?
What do bad Eskimos get in their stockings for Xmas?
A lump of cold.
The Chippewan Indians have a gradual approach.
What do you call a database of prisoners’ wigwams?
A table of con tents.
When the Europeans arrived, the Indians owned all the land in North America. Amass acre was inevitable.
My mother is in favour of affirmative action. For example she’s convinced the government should subsidize all fees for female aboriginals who want to attend university. How can she be sure such a scheme will work? “Trust me,” she says, “it’s my woman’s Inuit-tuition.“
Which race invented situps?
The ab-originals.
Eskimos are so smart. Every response is ‘I nuit’.
Building a teepee requires a lodge-is-sticks expert.
In the Wild West, there were many aboriginal sweat shops, where native women were forced to manufacture headgear, working in squaw lid conditions.