Fat-free dairy products may promote healthy living, but yoga hurts.
popular culture
What’s the only thing more annoying than yuppie punsters? A: quipsters.
In the hipster Bible, Jesus says ‘Douche unto others’. This is actually in the Old Testament book of Doucheronomy.
That Knight Rider show belongs in the annoyance Hall of Fame. That’s right – the Hassle HoF.
Who is Lord of the Rings?
Rocky Bilboa!
What does Phil Knight say to pigeons?
Malingerer: a kid who hangs out in shopping centers.
The pope pronounced his thoughts on the yo-yo dieting epidemic during the Fat-Again Council.
How do you stop a catfight between supermodels?
“Alright, let’s vapid up!”
Stephen Harper just gave Canada a kick in the arts.