Jesus didn’t bring his friend back from the dead. The fellow was merely sleeping. And so it was “Lazy-rus, come forth!”
Hear about the dog that tried to bite baby Jesus?
It had a bad case of the manger!
At the Second Gumming of Christ, Jesus will finally be crowned King of the Chews.
Said Jesus to the crowd of plastic surgeons: “Jug not, lest ye be jugged!”
Did Judas avoid the stock markets?
No – in fact he was a day traitor.
Where did Judas betray Jesus?
In the Garden of Get-Some-Money.
When Thomas put his finger in Jesus’ cavities, he was a witness to the tooth.
Why did the gadget lover praise the Lord when the PDF guide for his digital camera successfully opened?
Because the e-manual had come!
If Jesus had weighed 450 pounds, would the Bible have started “In the biggening…”?
Jesus was accused by his enemies of being a manipulative puppetmaster. They referred to Him as ‘SvenGalilee‘