After they were massacred in the Clone Wars, there was a darth of jedi.
Did you hear about the dyslexic gambler who was addicted to Jack Black movies?
They made a movie about two noisy pigeon-hating roosters who went to White Castle: Herald-din Coo-mar.
Watching documentaries about Chinese organ thieves can be very heart to take.
The documentary about terrorists who flew a plane into a high school?
Boeing for Columbine.
You know something’s wrong when you’re on a porno set and you hear ‘teste, teste, 1,2,3‘
Movie about the first female umpire: Official Called Wanda.
Dwarf actors are hard to find, so for ‘little people’ roles Hollywood is increasingly relying on ‘midgetally enhanced’ performers.
Now for a very special series: Our STI movie night! Caught on the big screen*, in HPV-D!
- Warts of the World
- Extraordinary Pimples
- Gonorrhea in 60 Seconds, starring V.Diesel (an infectious horror show!)
- Schindler’s Syphilist
- Pus in Booty
- The Quickie and The Dead
- Sleeping with the Emnity
- Star Whores Episode II: Attack of the Colons
Followed by a live performance of wandering menstruals!
*or catch it virally on YouTube
I broke my leg dancing. My new nickname is Saturday Night Femur.