My sister started smoking marijuana. Next thing you know she’ll be joining High Sis.
The people of Sommelier are wine-ing about the War on Terroir. They’ve reached a new Merlot. Personally, I no grigio with them: it’s just sour grapes, with no rhyme or Riesling. What’s the Gewürtz that can happen?
When the Muslim vacationer landed in New York during a heat wave, he was immediately arrested by Homeland Security. “But, but,” the unsuspecting tourist protested, “all I said was ‘gee, it’s hot!‘”
Does the terrorist business model involve vertical interrogation and just-in-timer delivery?
Hear about the aerosol spray that militant Northern Irish Catholics have been using to kill rival Protestants? They call it in-sect-ocide.
The suicide bomber economy tends to follow a boom! bus cycle.
Which terrorist is a dangerous pedophile?
Been laddin’.
The documentary about terrorists who flew a plane into a high school?
Boeing for Columbine.
Religious suicide bombers? Some of these wacky terrorists have been smoking the koranic.
Another update from South America’s War on Drugs:
After years of kidnappings, brutal assassinations and jungle warfare, suddenly an olive branch! Guerrillas from the Medellin drug cartel have actually been invited to recite Cocaine Poetry at a Colombian state banquet. Many law-abiding citizens, however, are upset at this diplomatic contra-verse-y.