What does a Pope say to an Anti-Pope? “See you in halo.”
What does a Pope say to an Anti-Pope? “See you in halo.”
Which alcoholic beverage is most popular among Mennonites?
Budweiser: King of Beards.
The medieval monks were forced to bottle and vend their farts, as a form of sell-flatulation.
Why does the Pope travel so much?
Because he’s a roamin’ Catholic!
I’m wrote my ESL exam over the Jewish New Year. Shana TOEFL!
They say that donkeys are stubborn, but St. Francis had a way with animals, and he even taught his donkey to bake! When asked how he did it, the Saint replied that it was “Assisi ass pie!”
How does the church encourage dialogue between divorced couples?
By ex-communicating them!
At the Second Gumming of Christ, Jesus will finally be crowned King of the Chews.
It was hard when I gave up Islam to study proctology. They declared me a prostate.