I stocked shelves in a poorly organized department store. The experience left me with a rack/aisle disfunction
Swollen, pus-filled body tissue is certainly an abscession of mine.
Chernobyl radiation victims can no longer sue. There is a statute of limb-mutations. The defendants will be held armless.
My friend said he used to go to strip clubs. He has fondle mammaries of that time.
The market for dentures is always fluct chew aiding.
In South America, medicine is so corrupt. Even joint replacement surgeries are controlled by the Columbian cartelage.
People with Restless Legs Syndrome are often skinny, because of poor shin control.
Hear about the woman who wore a toupee in place of a bra? She was involved in a major rug bust.
One of my legs is actually just a hologram. It give me a rather e-femural sensation.
If a concrete curb is cool to sit on, it’s because it’s a butt mint.