To really spice up your resume, include extra-curryculars.
the workplace
If you’re at work and the shit hits the fan, the first thing to do is look for your pooper-visor.
My socialist friend thinks that hiring non-union labour to build a partition is indie fence-able.
If your employer refuses to pay you more money, no problem. Just accuse them of raisism.
The manager who couldn’t afford new pens obviously didn’t have a Bic budget.
I was picked to clean the floor of a slaughterhouse. It was like winning the sweep steaks.
NASA is full of yes men. They should call it YASA.
The go go dancer was fired for a legged incompetence.
Quitting a job I don’t like is my only resign for leaving!
Companies know the cost of hiring brain-dead employees: it can be ex-pensive.