John Lennon was hungry, but he wouldn’t give pies a chance. He insisted on having a yellow submarine. Paul just said ‘Let it Brie.’

John Lennon was hungry, but he wouldn’t give pies a chance. He insisted on having a yellow submarine. Paul just said ‘Let it Brie.’
At first John Lennon refused to perform jingles for fast food ads, but then he decided to give pizza chants.
Mollusk-shucking speed is measured in clam-eaters per hour.
The day after eating large quantities of superfruits, I let out açai.
I went to Japan, where I had a rice time. The food was great, but the wine was sake.
Women who have tattoos of drink containers are cute, because Thermos tats keep things hot!
Fat-free dairy products may promote healthy living, but yoga hurts.
The punster made a loaf of bread that had no crust. When asked if it was a joke, he said “Yes – it’s my rye-bald sense of humour!”
People who line up for dessert have a squeued scents of pie orderies.
Ever since the economy crumbled I’ve not only lost my house, but my cutlery too. I’ve been fork losed!