The medieval monks were forced to bottle and vend their farts, as a form of sell-flatulation.
Hold your nose proudly in the bathroom. Don’t smell yourself shart.
Green vegetables make me fart. We’re talkin’ kale force winds.
The most musical farts of the 20th century were from the Big Bang era. In fact, they were jazz-men scented.
I just learned how to fart. I’m a do it your sulfur.
When dinosaurs lost the ability to fart, they faced ex-stinktion.
Anyone who makes fart jokes has a terrible scents of humour.
Shakespeare’s play about surprisingly fragrant flatulence, aka All Smells that End Well.
If you want to make whoopee, it’s best to move into a fartable housing, toot suite.
If someone cries ‘Fart!’ in a crowded theatre, everyone must exit in an odourly fashion.