Swollen, pus-filled body tissue is certainly an abscession of mine.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome doesn’t entitle you to vacation, but you may take ‘time in loo’.
A newfound cure for depression is esteem bath.
A leper doesn’t change his spots.
What did the swine flu say to the seasonal flu? H1, N1ce to meet you!
See 6 latest pun requests!
NED: My arms and legs are bubbling over!
ED: Huh?
NED: It’s true, I have limb-foama!
Which country has the worst blood circulation? Slovenia.
Some transsexuals are at risk of meninginas.
Before integration, amputee baseball players were only allowed in the Knee Grow Leagues.
The leading cause of death among pathologists is coronerary heart attacks.