I come from a family of warmongers. I am belli bellicose to them.
The Crusaders weren’t into raping and pillaging, but they were into papin’ and religion.
Hitler in France: “Veni vidi Vichy“?
Colonel Kurtz took a lot of measures to discipline his soldiers. In fact he spear-headed every one.
If you live in North Korea, don’t mock Kim Jong-il’s nuclear ambitions: it means dis missile.
Dropping Fat Man and Little Boy on Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a bomb on nation.
Kim Jong-il was a big fan of Nuke Kids on the Bloc, and always warheads Nuke Kids tee-shirt, while listening in his bunker bed at night. He loved hanging out with his cruise, which included George Bush, whom he called Doctor Death aka ‘Dubya, MD’. He went to the UN wearing a lot of ‘Blix-blix‘ and said ‘Put your Hans in the air like you just don’t care’. He was there all night and El-Baradei. His actions, though far from disarming, definitely enriched heavy metal.
Favourite nursery rhyme of WWI ‘trench foot‘ victims: Pus in Boots.
Fight the Mujahideen? So viet.
One of the worst insect massacres in history was at the battle of Swatterloo.