Jeff Bridges bought the most beautiful ski hill in France and renamed it Le Beau Ski.
The first Apple iPhone in France was likened to a Pomme Pilot.
In France, cats attack birds, nest paw?
Hitler in France: “Veni vidi Vichy“?
If you are either French or Jamaican, then chez mon you.
After Marie Antoinette said “Let them eat cake,” French protesters responded with “Hey hey, ho ho, Marie-Antoinette has gateau go!”
What constitutes a big breakfast? Well, in France, an egg is an oeuf to eat.
I went to France and took a dump in a street. Now I’m an accused merde horreur.
No flights to France will be delayed. It’s Gaul on time’s Day!
Eat a blue fish: it’s Bass Teal Day!