Mr. T is getting incontinent in his old age. He was recently heard to boast, “I shitty the pool.“
famous quotes
What did the Wicked Witch of the West say when Dorothy spilled beer on her?
“I’m malting!…. I’m malting!“
Do leafy vegetables give you gas?
Yes, to misquote the Latin proverb, arsest celery fart ’em.
Why did Laertes place tariffs on foreign bookcases?
Because Polonius advised him, “This above all else: to thine home shelf be true!“
Hitler in France: “Veni vidi Vichy“?
We all know about his famous bath, but what did Archimedes say his first time before a urinal?
“Urethra! I’ve found it!”
The museum is unveiling a mural of the great Stooge’s most famous quotations. Make sure to visit this fantastic Moe-say-ic.
When I saw a wicker furniture outlet in Copenhagen, I knew there was something ratan in the state of Denmark.
When the rain fell on our heads it was like glorious piss. So I quoted Shakespeare, saying “The sky is a most excellent can o’ pee.”
After Marie Antoinette said “Let them eat cake,” French protesters responded with “Hey hey, ho ho, Marie-Antoinette has gateau go!”