Eve’s husband let one rip, right in the Garden. It was the first recorded Adam bomb.
Punsters are biblically significant. They are har bringers of the apocolaughs.
In the hipster Bible, Jesus says ‘Douche unto others’. This is actually in the Old Testament book of Doucheronomy.
Atheists believe that religious people are those who Bible.
Blessed are the Cheesemakers. They are true do-goudas.
Who did Noah hire to build his boat?
An arkitect of course!
Jesus didn’t bring his friend back from the dead. The fellow was merely sleeping. And so it was “Lazy-rus, come forth!”
Hot sauna in the highest, in excess celsius day-o!
Bible science: A mathematician swinging a donkey was refused entry on No Ass Arc.
Said Jesus to the crowd of plastic surgeons: “Jug not, lest ye be jugged!”