Sherlock Holmes novels are sexist! As are all mister-ies.
social justice
Priests recently gained the right to vote, after finally being recognized as legal parsons — despite vicarous opposition.
Massage therapy patients can be separated into two groups: the haves, and the have-knots.
Animal rights activists should be thrown in jail. They’re all PETA-philes.
My socialist friend thinks that hiring non-union labour to build a partition is indie fence-able.
If your employer refuses to pay you more money, no problem. Just accuse them of raisism.
Monarchy is bad for the common people. When it reigns, it poors.
NED: I refuse to write poetry about pigs’ knees.
ED: Why’s that?
NED: It’s against my religion. I don’t do pigs’ knees. Is that controversial?
ED: Well, you sure have a hardline stanza on a boar shin!
Homeless men in New England are standing in line – it’s Soup Bowl Sunday!
Prejudiced against punsters? You’re homophonic!