50 Shades of Grey made me puke up my lunch – in fact it gave me a reading disorder. Whoever wrote it is ill literate.
Colonel Kurtz took a lot of measures to discipline his soldiers. In fact he spear-headed every one.
NED: I refuse to write poetry about pigs’ knees.
ED: Why’s that?
NED: It’s against my religion. I don’t do pigs’ knees. Is that controversial?
ED: Well, you sure have a hardline stanza on a boar shin!
Heather Reisman’s monopoly on the Canadian book market fills me with !ndigo-nation!
George Bernard Shaw’s play about pint-sized invaders: Pygmy-Alien.
When Hermione reached puberty, all the kids at Hogwarts called her Hairy Pooter.
After Catcher in the Rye, J.D. Salinger’s writing career stayed in a Holden pattern. And he would never field any cauls.
Hunched over on your e-bike? You look like Quasi moto!
Shakespeare’s play about surprisingly fragrant flatulence, aka All Smells that End Well.
Trekkers love poetry – especially hikeus.