So, I’m really into insects. My mom got upset this morning when I called and asked what her plans are for Moth Thursday.
The spread of Walmart is like a plague of low-costs.
Insect protein is a locust alternative to meat.
I teach a cooking class called ‘Insect Cuisine’. I have many, many stewed ants.
The lady bug mated with her ant. It was an insectuous relationship.
My doctor recommended I treat my benign tumours by injecting them with live insects.
I refused, but he was in cyst ant.
The war on flies in Mexico: aka the Zap a Tsetse Rebellion.
I was jailed for stealing bug spray. I’ll fix my life once I’ve repaid my DEET to society.
I borrowed from the bank to start my apiary. Now I have a horrendous bee owe problem.
Am I allergic to invisible parasites? I dust mite be.