Postal workers tend to be men, especially the ones walking around with male sacks.
Lindt has a new chocolate ball; they call them Cocoanuts.
A restaurant that serves bull testicles opened right next door to me. Seems my whole neighbourhood’s getting genitalfried!
Testicle bombs are an ever-present threat in the Baltic states. But worrying about it too much can make you gonad.
Men were forced to go completely hairless, during the Ballshavik Revolution.
I started an organization that worships testicles: it’s ‘nad for prophet.
After convincing me to paint my testicles, my friend laughed dye a bollock ally.
Bored? Try dissecting a testicle. You’ll halve a ball.
Which Native American princess would kick you in the nuts? Poke Cajones.
Strange but true: Some men steep their testicles in hot water. Cajones tea is the best policy.