People scream out Francis’ name: he’s a Pope ulular guy.
What does a Pope say to an Anti-Pope? “See you in halo.”
Why does the Pope travel so much?
Because he’s a roamin’ Catholic!
The Crusaders weren’t into raping and pillaging, but they were into papin’ and religion.
The Vatican ordered that the corpse of every future saint be blown to bits by artillery fire — “Because,” said the Pope, “they must be cannonized.”
The pope pronounced his thoughts on the yo-yo dieting epidemic during the Fat-Again Council.
Never negotiate with a hungry pontiff. It’s better to have a Pope-is-full discussion.
The use of smoke in the papal selection proves the Church has a sense of fumer.
NED: All my pimples are named ‘Benedict XVI’…
ED: Hmm, I don’t know. You shouldn’t pope your zits.
Some of those pedophile priests must have misunderstood the pope’s orders: anul sects.