Hear about the female student of interpretation theory, who rejected her boyfriend because he had fleas?
Yes, her man knew tics.
Hear about the female student of interpretation theory, who rejected her boyfriend because he had fleas?
Yes, her man knew tics.
What do you call a database of prisoners’ wigwams?
A table of con tents.
Why does it not matter when Germans scratch their butts?
Because ass-itch in time saves nein.
What do you call it when a French psychoanalyst falls on the winter ice?
A froidian slip of course!
Did you hear about the diplomat who skipped out on Thanksgiving dinner to negotiate an Eastern European territory swap, and ended up getting Hungary for Turkey?
Why should you face death by firing squad instead of running a marathon?
Because it’s better to be strafed than sore-kneed.
Why does milk explore interstellar space when ingested by a seagull?
Because it’s enter-gull-lactic!
Why did the soldier scream as he carried burning rubble from the backpacker’s hotel?
Because he was taking hostel fire.
Why did Moses think it was a mistake for his brother to worship beneath the leg of the Golden Calf?
Because he was Aaron on the side of cow-shin.
Why does rubbing your hair with vinegar give you head lice?
Because he who acetates is loused.