Russian dictators are the best. They’re the crème de la Kremlin.
figures of speech
Solving constipation is a matter of bran over brown.
When someone runs over a cat, and it has to be cleaned off the street, who picks up the tabby?
Hold your nose proudly in the bathroom. Don’t smell yourself shart.
I collect pre-digested food morsels.Your floss is my gain.
Gambling addicts who see those Vegas casino lights don’t have a chance. It’s like lamps to the slotter.
Why do dictators speak to the masses from balconies? Haven’t they heard that no ledge is power?
What do you call it when a French psychoanalyst falls on the winter ice?
A froidian slip of course!
Skydivers chute first, ask questions later. No wonder they’re so well grounded.
Wigmakers are always putting on hairs.