Emma "Mushy Pony" aka the absolute Shetland
Mouse-over the image for the answer to Emma's riddle!
About Emma Holy Farqing Shetland - 24-year-old Emma F knows how to pick a whinny-er. Keen to stirrup the scene, this 5'7" filly is the founder and editor of Mushy Pony - a stable of bronco-bustin bloggers hot on the tail of Toronto's top trendsetters and twentysomethings. Emma loves puns, she says, "because they..." and then refused to finish that sentence. But she wants 'polks out there to know she's rounding up a posse for a Mushy Pony party this Saturday at The Monk's Table. "We'll blog it," she says, "but not sure if it'll be broadcast on saddle-ite." Yowzah. All the more reason to attend in person. Emma, we're sure you'll one day win the race for mare of Toronto! Emma's faves turn-ons: "Gerunds, pronouns, rhetorical questions, vowels, the semi-colon, dashes, and...obv... puns!" send Emma a message: email her or follow her Twitter @mushypony Able to hold up a white-board? Have a sexy mind? If you want be a Punshine Boy or Girl, click here to audition. |