Vickram from India:
Who was Disney’s connection to organised crime?
Don Ald.

Which bird led the organised crime scene?
The capon di tutti capon.

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Ben from Toronto:
So what if the bird flu, I know birds can fly!

Ben says: “Don’t know if this qualifies as original; it’s something in the news these days and is punny in itself.”

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Marc from Toronto:
What tree bird’s breast shouldn’t you eat?
Think, a bough tit!

Marc says: “A mere apprentice of a pun.”

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Brigg from East Greenbush, NY:
If Dr. Seuss were to have a nightmare that Winnipeg didn’t exist, would he… dream ‘Peg’s a sham?

Brigg says: “Does this even count as a pun?”

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Vroom from Toronto:
A man who farts in church will sit in his own pew.

Vroom says: “When I first came across your site, I thought what a bunch of losers. Then, when I visited the Punshine section, I thought ‘Dang, these guys really are losers; look at the hot ladies they have following them around.’… Ladies love the losers.”

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Sean from Toronto:
Why did the Sports Illustrated swimsuit model win the Fields Medal?
She was good in Algae-bra!

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