I was always fascinated by the metric system, thanks to my gram awe’s influence. At school I wasn’t like the rest of the kgs: I certainly wasn’t the litre, and the bullies just wouldn’t lb me alone. At home my dear nano couldn’t console me, nor could my friend Milli who centi me a deca cards to cheer me up. Eventually I cheered up, however, and the abuse didn’t last furlong.

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1 thought on “I was always fascinated by the metric system, thanks to my gram awe’s influence. At school I wasn’t like the rest of the kgs: I certainly wasn’t the litre, and the bullies just wouldn’t lb me alone. At home my dear nano couldn’t console me, nor could my friend Milli who centi me a deca cards to cheer me up. Eventually I cheered up, and the abuse didn’t last furlong.

  1. You failed to pint this out so I have to an ounce that you had the hots for the gallon the next block. Her dad, however wouldn’t let you quart her or even meter.


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