Dear Pun Gents, I am giving a talk at a university scholarship luncheon. There will be two speakers before me, one named Katia, and the other named Katherine. I am trying to come up with some sort of funny comment at the beginning of my presentation that includes a pun about the abundance of Kathrine/Katia/Katherine, or possibly the fact that there will be 3 speakers at this event whose names start with “Kat” (something like “It’s a veritable Kat-valanche” but better). I’ve fallen flat. Could you help me out? ~Kathrine, Salt Lake City, UT
- This many K’s in a row usually gets you arrested. Except in South Carolina!
- It’s a Katastrophe!
- If you had let us all speak at once we might have got Katty.
- I hope by the time I’m finished you won’t be Katatonic.
- If your name doesn’t start with K you’re just not Kat out for this luncheon.
- I saw a Kat burglar outside- he was K-sing the joint!
- I wasn’t expecting so much Kat-calling today.
- This lunch just shows that Kats like to have funds!
- Are they serving Kat food at this luncheon? Because I’m feline hungry.
- After those last two speakers, I’m speechless. Kat got your tongue?