WET T-SHIRT CONTEST (request w/ donation)

Dear Pun Gents, I am participating in a breast cancer walk—60 miles in 3 days. I held a fundraiser at my hospital with a dunking booth where we dunked physicians and administrators. Repeating at another location…would like to sell t-shirts at this event.  Can you help me think of a slogan for the front of the shirt? ~Margaret, Richmond, VA


  1. The Dunking Boob
  2. Dunkin Doctors – let’s see your DDs for charity
  3. Dry out in the dunk tank?
  4. Breast Cancer Walk – on Water
  5. MD your pockets for a good cause.
  6. It’s Wetting Season
  7. Soak and Water
  8. I Make Doctors Moist
  9. When I hit your target, you get wet
  10. Dunkaschen! (for the donation too)
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