We dusted off our Facebook fan page. As a treat, here’s a photo album of every Punshine!
The Gnus
Late Braking Gnus (cause accidents): Gents Interviewed on MushyPony.com
Sitting down with founders Patrick Tanzola and Rhain Louis of Pungents.com (Canada’s top pun website), we weren’t sure what to expect on that brightly punny day outside U of T’s Hart House. Nursing our coffees, we were suddenly caught off-guard when a massive hawk swept down beside us, grabbed a small mouse from the garden, and flew off – nearly causing us to hawk-up our lunch.
Patrick: “That was falcon crazy!”
Rhain: “I’m sure the mouse found it starling”
WET T-SHIRT CONTEST (request w/ donation)
Dear Pun Gents, I am participating in a breast cancer walk—60 miles in 3 days. I held a fundraiser at my hospital with a dunking booth where we dunked physicians and administrators. Repeating at another location…would like to sell t-shirts at this event. Can you help me think of a slogan for the front of the shirt? ~Margaret, Richmond, VA
- The Dunking Boob
- Dunkin Doctors – let’s see your DDs for charity
- Dry out in the dunk tank?
- Breast Cancer Walk – on Water
- MD your pockets for a good cause.
- It’s Wetting Season
- Soak and Water
- I Make Doctors Moist
- When I hit your target, you get wet
- Dunkaschen! (for the donation too)