Dear Pun Gents, I and 11 of my friends are running in a 178-mile relay race, the Reno Tahoe Odyssey. Most of us are structural engineers with a few other professions thrown in the mix (accountant, physical therapist, server etc). We ran this race last year under the name “Team Honey Badger: because we don’t give a sh!t.” however that name must go. We enjoy drinking, having a good time and running of course. Also, this year we have an international teammate coming in from New Zealand.  ~Matthew, Nevada


  1. Reno-Ovation
  2. Odyssissies
  3. Smilers
  4. Destructuralists
  5. Busting out of the Joints
  6. Knee Joint Venture
  7. Runnilingus
  8. Tahosana
  9. Kiwi to Win
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