CT from Toronto:
What do you call a red-headed girl whose brain chemistry tells her that
her parents are never coming home?
Little Endorphin Annie.

CT says, “I had to fiddle with the setup – before it was ‘what do you call a red-headed girl with hyperactive brain chemicals’?.”

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Ron from Toronto:
Father to son: “Would you like to accompany me to the Himalayas and be my
climbing guide?”
Son to father: “Sure pa!

Ron says, “Love your site!”

TerriblePretty BadOKPretty GoodHilarious (Rate This Pun)

Ron from Toronto:
Father to son: “Would you like to accompany me to the Himalayas and be my
climbing guide?”
Son to father: “Sure pa!

Ron says, “Love your site!”

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Dear Pungents, as a fellow lefty I always notice a person’s dominant hand *write* away. Can you think of some pick-up lines I can use on left-handed fellows? Thanks. ~Deborah, Vancouver


1) “Down with Ritey!”

2) “You’re a healthy guy, I noticed you eat a lot of fibre. It must be your right branned thinking.”

3) “Show me who’s my daddy – I wanna call you my south pa.”

4) “Ned Flanders gets me hot and bothered. So come back home to my left-hornium.”

5) “I wanna ride your jumbo jet – I’ll be a passenger on Lefthansa.”

6) “Ambi sextrous?”

7) “Can’t we just share the lefter?”

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Loretta from Unionville:
The burning blister does not care about the discomfort and inconvenience it causes its host. It is a soulless cystic.

Loretta says, “When do the PunPal t-shirts come out?”

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Loretta from Unionville:
The burning blister does not care about the discomfort and inconvenience it causes its host. It is a soulless cystic.

Loretta says, “When do the PunPal t-shirts come out?”

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Brandy from Toronto:
What do you call an overly emotional gangster movie?
The Passion of the Heist!

Brandy says: “You really should hire me.”

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Brandy from Toronto:
What do you call an overly emotional gangster movie?
The Passion of the Heist!

Brandy says: “You really should hire me.”

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Genny from Toronto:
If you’re Canadian in the kitchen, what are you in the bathroom?
European! (You’re a-peein)

Genny says, “I saw you on Speakers Corner… very funny. I’ve been showing your site to the girls around work and one of them suggested this pun from her son. It made me laugh, but may need some work – Canadian part is a kind of confusing. Also, such ‘pun’ful possibilities with your names Rhain and Pat… coincidence or destiny?”

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Andrew from Dugald:
Is an ungulate with only one partner considered monogaMoose?

Andrew says, “Oh deer, you must think me quite hart-less!I never thought I’d be such a ne’er-doe-well……it behooves me to quit before I get be-hind.”

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