Chernobyl radiation victims can no longer sue. There is a statute of limb-mutations. The defendants will be held armless.
During my time as an executioner, I made sure to be head of the game, by acquiring a unique skull set, from the time I was a guillotiney bopper. I got gallowing reviews which was always excellent noose. Even though I hung my clients out to dry (though sometimes I got them stoned) I never faced the firing line. Of course, the work is no longer shocking; these days the business won’t survive without capital injections, which makes meĀ sigh at night. My goal nonetheless is to fill every day with poisonable experiences.
The mime who broke his silence was punished with maxi mum jailtime.
I eat reams of soup. I should be nominated to the Soup Ream Court!
Don’t fondle anyone inside a courtroom. That’s perv jury.
Don’t question a judge’s decision. It just is.
Bill Cosby’s stockbroker should be punished too. He was a trader to the Cos.
How does trial by media usually work?
A: Immediately after any allegation, there’s a public lynching, followed by a noose conference.
It is treasonous to tamper with unlabeled stool samples. You will beĀ branded a tray turd.
My job is to clean toilets in a courthouse. It’s a lifetime of jury doody.