Overcharged? Sue for mal feesance.
If you are litigating a bivalve and you don’t haveĀ legal mussel, you’ll have to represent yourself in small clams court.
Trade unions are legal. And even if they weren’t, it’s ‘innocent until proven guildy‘.
I eat reams of soup. I should be nominated to the Soup Ream Court!
Don’t fondle anyone inside a courtroom. That’s perv jury.
Lawyers in the produce industry have a turnip-client privilege. So do the advocados.
When the police arrested the furniture repairman, he claimed to be upholstering the law.
By fed oral law, all food must be eaten via the mouth.
Bill Cosby’s stockbroker should be punished too. He was a trader to the Cos.
There’s a class action case against the government, over Sudafed.