What tree is thriving in this depressed economy? The weeping will owe.

Weeping will owes: thriving in this depressed economy. Too bad money doesn't grow on trees.
Cry me a river, weeping will owe. Too bad money doesn't grow on trees.
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Romance flowers when you least expect! My pal Pete Rose, a bouquet at the racetracks, has a girlfriend named Bea. They met at a party, and she laughed when he offered to fertilizer. She looked at his pistil and said “I bet you don’t have stamena.” How a pollen right? And yet he nectar anyway! Then they ducked into a bathroom and she bloom on all florist. Wow, they seed an opportunity and didn’t waste mulch time; now they’re inseparable. That’s love for you, not just a ficus of the imagination. It never turns out as you plant.

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If I were a tree, I wood like poplar music. Especially Spruce Sprigsteen. Or Johnny Cash’s Balsam Prison Blues.

TerriblePretty BadOKPretty GoodHilarious (1 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5)