When the Pirates of the Caribbean ordered my death, my mind went plank. I knew I was in Depp ship.
The pirate with a parrot had a real chirp on his shoulder.
Sailors only care about themselves. It’s always “Aye, Aye, Aye.”
They found a new way to kill pirates:
Gas them with argon.
Piracy is big business. It ain’t no Somali change.
Why are pirates so loud?
They just argh.
Why was Blackbeard upset when he misplaced his jars of urine?
Because a pirate without p is irate.
A pirate ship is assailing vessel.
I don’t like the high seas. If I ever went on a pirate ship, they would clock me in the groin, and call me ‘gland clubber!‘
How do epic poets hijack a ship? “Prepare to be bored dead.”