The film about the time composer Johann Sebastian so desperately needed money, he prostituted himself?

Broke Bach Mountin’.

TerriblePretty BadOKPretty GoodHilarious (1 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5)

My dad tried to fuel his car with Viagra. Erected pretty bad. Though I also heard the AAA is trying to pass off Viagra as fuel. I think they’re stiffing their members with that one! The cops pulled me over and said ‘Here, penis cup.’ Also, Viagra has a new celebrity spokesman. That’s right: Randy Johnson.

TerriblePretty BadOKPretty GoodHilarious (11 votes, average: 4.64 out of 5)

Death row inmates with laryngitis can’t speak up for themselves. Their women will want to save them, however, because they’re hung like a hoarse.

TerriblePretty BadOKPretty GoodHilarious (3 votes, average: 2.33 out of 5)

Americans are taking on too much debt, and it’s putting kinks in the economy. They love state-owe-masochism, getting fiscaled, bondage, and other stimulus measures. This is why they are being punished on the S&M 500.

TerriblePretty BadOKPretty GoodHilarious (3 votes, average: 2.33 out of 5)

NED: Did you just touch my ass?
ED: Sure did.
NED: You’re a pervert.
ED: Just call me butter cup!

TerriblePretty BadOKPretty GoodHilarious (1 votes, average: 1.00 out of 5)