NED: Hear about the Greek mafia?
ED: Yeah – they always threaten to put a kappa in my ass!
NED: Didn’t they murder a bunch of Newfoundlanders?
ED: No – that was the psychotic Greek fraternity, Kappa Nu Phi.
NED: What about that strange fraternity located along the Nile river, it was called Chi Rho Delta, that now wants to open a bake shop.
ED: You mean Nu Pi Delta. Once I Eta Pithere – it was too expensive and now I Omega. But it was a big dessert. I Eta Omega Pi!
NED: Well I’m getting a little tired of Nu Pi Delta, as is their sister sorority.
ED: Xi Xi Xi?
NED: That’s right. And what about the fraternity for Esperanto lovers – Nu Alpha Beta.
ED: Or that sorority for fashionable fat ladies: Nu Mu Mu. My poodle got eaten there!
NED: I thought that was Eta Phi-Phi.
ED: And to get revenge on those ladies I borrowed a semiautomatic weapon. But I lost it and now it has to be replaced.
NED: Iota Nu Xi can help you with that.
ED: What about penis enlargement?
NED: Try Psi Xi Omega.
ED: Did you know dragon boat lovers are meeting at Rho Rho Rho?
NED: That’s nothing. The pranksters at Tau Rho Mu stack cows one atop the other!
ED: Funny, I had a beef patty the other day.
NED: At Eta Mu Pi?
ED: Yes. Say – did you hear about that kinky lesbian sorority. Legend has it Michael Douglas’ wife and Delta Burke had a fling there.
NED: You mean Delta Eta Zeta?
ED: Yes.
Hear about the female student of interpretation theory, who rejected her boyfriend because he had fleas?
Yes, her man knew tics.
Do social media professors wear Tweet jackets?
Issues of the Journal of Poisonous Chemicals were stacked on the periodical table of ailments.
Louis Pasteur loved his cattle. When he was a professor he received his degree honor ‘is cowsa.
For political scientists, the upcoming Canadian election is a process of Harpeer Review.
My risqué Ph.D philosophy thesis, ‘The Metaphysics of Raw Sewage’, was received with in crud duality.
Sounds effects pioneer Thomas Dolby graduated from university magna cum loud.
An academic who studied mouthwash shortages had his conclusions dismissed as ‘out of Scope‘.
After my Ph.D thesis on hoarding, I was promoted to add-junk professor.