President Ford wanted to go to China, but was accused of political Gerry Mandarin.
How does President Trump hunt for Easter surprises? By issuingĀ an eggs-accretive order.
Romney’s biggest scandal was when he denied all scandals, aka Mittigate.
To find WMDs in Pyongyang, Trump will look under every nuke and Koreany.
Social network for dead presidents: Lincoln.
They had a smoked salmon fundaising lunch for the President at which he gave a speech. It was sold out–lox, talk and Barry O.
How would Alien Spider Trump rule? A: By eggsackutive order.
The Founding Fathers believed America was destined for greatness in fumigation. They termed it ‘Man o Pest Destiny‘
Abraham Linkedin was incredibly well-connected.
The 1st First Lady with breast implants is Melania Trump, aka the FLOATUS.