When things get too Greece-y, I say “E-U.”
in the news
Another virus? I’m so Zika it.
Obama is always put on a POTUSdal.
Castro was against neo-feudalism and for no-foodalism. Meanwhile Trudeau Fidels while Ottawa burns.
Reese’s new peanut butter spread is controversial — it’s causing a stir among the Nutellagentsia.
Is Rob Ford an aristocrat or a risk to crack?
When accusing an elderly comedian of assault, there has to be probable Cosby.
Smartphone downloads will at last be available in North Korea, under the U.S. and South Korea’s policy of app easement.
To those who say ‘No mo’ hammeding it up!’ we say ‘Christ! It’s a joke. Don’t have a Koranary!’ #JeSuisCharlie
I would prostitute myself for the chance to join a radical Jewish sect. That’s right, I Lev Tahor.