Obama is always put on a POTUSdal.
Why did Obama need to go shopping for nylons?
Because – he lost the support of the hose.
U.S. politics True or False: A Harry Reid is worse than a relentless Boehner.
Trump wants to deport Mexicans. He’s going to rename the Sunshine State: aka Cull a foreigner.
Trump’s trying to force a new one-sided trade deal on Canada and Mexico, aka HAFTA.
Imagine the puns if Clinton were president. They would be Hilary US.
Trump isn’t a politician. He’s appallitician.
If the US is but a shadow of its former self, does that make it A mere icon?
This is very disturbing and scandalous! I can’t believe the US is launching a trade whore with China.
President Ford wanted to go to China, but was accused of political Gerry Mandarin.