There was a dream match at the World Ping-Pong tournament, where in the last game the seeded #1 faced the seeded #2. Fans called this dramatic match the Peeing-Pooing Finale.

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If you check the Internet Movie Database you’ll find many SQLs.

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Group swimmers at the Olympics aren’t given much choice. For them, it’s synchro swim.

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Tuscany is a slum! Everyone lives in chianti-towns. And I don’t mean to grape, but  in some French regions, all the houses are bordeauxed up. What a bunch of vine-os – the lowest of the Merlot!

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Meteorology is a difficult science. For instance I thought it would be a breeze to master the Beaufort scale, but it turned out to be a no-wind situation. After all, I don’t speak Gale-ic!

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