Is there Nintendo in France?
Is there Nintendo in France?
The guy at the bar in charge of karaoke requests never picks me. I feel like I’m ode.
The Biggest Loser: All Female Edition is now on Broadweigh.
Magician’s assistants are highly sawed after.
If you go to Medieval Times and watch the jousts, there is a sir charge.
Join the circus and put your life on the lion. You’ll have all the trapeze of success. It’s in tents. So go for the juggler.
What’s Mike Tyson’s favourite video game console?
What do you say after making a video-game joke?
“No pun Nintendo’d!”
The phoneticist went on American Idol, but was booed off the stage on account of his lisp. Afterward this linguist was upset, saying “I can’t believe they dipthed my thong!”