My constipated friends and I decided to get together and have a block potty.
What’s an avocado’s favourite carnival game?
In summertime haemophiliacs enjoy spending time at the clottage. But if it’s closed they’ll go to a bled-and-breakfast.
Do fencers enjoy crossword puzzles?
If you go to Medieval Times and watch the jousts, there is a sir charge.
Why did the millionaire skip his usual joyride on his quadramaran?
Because he had a strong sense of four-boating!
To become an expert at meditation, you have to do your om work.
The nightclubbing lifestyle is so incredible, it involves a suspension of disco ball ief.
My daughter asked to go tobogganing. I said “Not with that sleddy outfit!”
When I’m in Spain, I hit the beach. I’m a total playa.