Was Ireland a hotbed of glam rock?
No, Shamrock.
Was Ireland a hotbed of glam rock?
No, Shamrock.
If the Blarney Stone were a man, would kissing it make me Gaelic?
Today, people are drinking enough liquid to turn the O’sheas green.
The man who performed his first prostate exam on an Irishman felt deeply a Seamus.
NED: St Patrick’s day is 10 months away. Should I work on my Irish accent?
ED: No, if it ain’t brogue, don’t fix it.
Careful – if you kiss an Irish rock star, you might get Bono.
Irish puns are the most O’ffensive.
My friend William moved to Ireland, and now he’s a Billy in Eire.
Irish emigration due to the great potato famine, aka Starch Trek?
I invested in potatoes, because someone said I’d be Dublin my fortune. So Irished everything I had.