Intersex people are very erotic. They have a lot of androgynous zones.

Intersex people are very erotic. They have a lot of androgynous zones.
Intersex people are very erotic. They have a lot of androgynous zones.
TerriblePretty BadOKPretty GoodHilarious (6 votes, average: 2.67 out of 5)

Which Nazi loved Michael Jordan?

Joseph Goebbels. He loved it when things were Goering well for the Chicago squad, and especially when MJ would achieve Luftwaffe and Reich up the points. For the fans, it was beyond their wildest iMaginotion. It was Panzermonium.

TerriblePretty BadOKPretty GoodHilarious (5 votes, average: 1.80 out of 5)

The grass farmer was criminally charged after using a sod-off shotgun to settle a lawn-standing turf war – he wanted mow money. After his arrest he was denied bale.

TerriblePretty BadOKPretty GoodHilarious (2 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5)