I don’t mean to sound superficial when I say the Canadian PM has nice hair. Isn’t it Trudeau?
The possible end to NAFTA gives me tariffying nightmares.
Everyone in the North is so pale, because of all the tundra and lightening.
Plastic fruit will be banned at the upcoming G8/20 summits in Toronto. Officials have to secure the pear-imitator.
Canada’s most famous dinosaur? Toronnosaurus Rex.
When Rob Ford came back it was like ‘Release the Crackin!‘
Saskatchewan has huge methane reserves – it must be one of the flatus places on Earth.
See @pungents #CanadianActionMovies on Twitter.
- Nickelback to the Future
- A Tim’s to Kill
- Brokeback Mountie
- The Saguenay of Defeat
- Lord Blackula
- Kill Bill III: Harper Prorogues Again
- Dances with Wools
- Codzilla
- Arctic Tracy
- Stop Or My Mom Will Chicoutimi
- 28 Ehs Later
- Midnight Cowpie
- Lifeson is Beautiful
- Dawn of the Zed
- Dial M for Mercer
- The Full Mountie
- 8000-Mile
- A Few Good Mansbridges
- J’Aimes Bonbons
- A River Runs Through Manitoba
- Tarsand
- Rockies 1 through 6
- Oedipus Rex Murphy
- Metis the Fockers
- Dieppe Throat
- SARS Attacks
- The Three Muskokateers
- Apocalypse Snow
- Pirates of the Caribou
- Inuit You Did Last Summer
- Molson City
- Tron-o
- Bill Blair Snitch Project
- Raccoonies
- The Hunt for Fred MacTober
- Mr and Mississauga
- Full Puffy Jacket
- War of the Squirrels
- The Boring Identity
- E.I.
- Dirty Barrie
- Canadarmy Of Darkness
- Alanis vs Predator
- Ducepption
- Bloc Quebecois Down
- Zamboni on the Fourth of July
- Albertigo
A terrorist in Canada is anyone who ISIS the puck.
Canada’s economy is made up of prostitutes. How do I know? Well, Canadians are drawers of water and whoores of wood.