My dog wrote a novel. Unfortunately, it was terrible. The plot was so arf-fetched.
Anyone who leads a plow animal onto the links can, in my opinion, golf ox themselves.
I tried to cross a grizzly with a cow, but I was bearly a bull.
NED: Do pigeons make a lot of noise?
ED: Don’t ask me – I haven’t got a coo!
Successful matadors have a talent for not getting gored, which is very sense-a-bull.
I saw my dog playing poker, so I yelled at it, ‘Eu-cre!’
What happened when Jesus brought the dead pigs back to life?
He turned slaughter into swine!
Holstein cows are often black and white, aka moo-latte.
What’s the favourite ride of Scotsmen? Eweber. It’s sheeper than a regular taxi.
Life can be so confusing. It was only after purchasing a dolphin made of glass that I had any clarity of porpoise.